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Investor Section
Investor Section
Investor/Stakeholder Contact Point
For stock transfer, address changes, and other shareholder-related matters, please contact the following service window:
Shareholder Services Department
Phone: 02-25936666
Investor Relations Information
For any financial and business inquiries, please contact the following service window:
Company Spokesperson - Audit Department, Tu Qing-sheng
Phone: 07-2410123 Extension 102
EMAIL: mark.tu@hotelhg.com.tw
Acting Spokesperson - Accounting Department, Yu Su-ling
Phone: 07-2410123 Extension 212
EMAIL: weny.yu@hotelhg.com.tw
Our company maintains a good relationship with suppliers to provide excellent ingredients to our customers.
Supplier Contact Point
Purchasing Department
Email: hgpur@hotelhg.com.tw
For Customers,our company places great emphasis on consumers' rights. We fully disclose our products and services on our website. For all sold vouchers, we provide full performance guarantees. Additionally, for consumer complaints, we provide a complaint channel on our website and have relevant department staff provide the best service.
Customer Contact Point
Accommodation: fo.tp@hotelhg.com.tw
For Employees,our company, in accordance with the Act of Gender Equality in Employment and the Employment Services Act, establishes a nondiscriminatory employment policy, implementing equality in compensation, employment conditions, training, and promotion opportunities.
Employee Contact Point
Human Resources Department
Email: hghrs@hotelhg.com.tw
Investor/Stakeholder Contact Point